Super Mario Bros dans Half Life

Posté dans Insolite -- 1 Commentaire

Je viens de découvrir cette petite vidéo qui me rappelle de bons souvenirs : il s’agit du premier niveau de Super Mario Bros 1 (oui oui, celui qui existait sur la bonne vieille NES!) qu’un geek a réalisait dans Half Life 2.

Bon, c’est vrai, la carte n’a pas l’air super passionnante mais la réalisation est bien faite! (çà aurait été encore mieux si on avait pu descendre dans les tuyaux… :-p)

Si vous voulez y jouer, la carte est dispo ici. (via gamesandgeeks)

Au passage, petit mot pour vous apprendre si ce n’est déjà fait que le lecteur Youtube a évolué et vous pouvez maintenant avancer ou reculer dans la vidéo grâce aux flèches du clavier, sympa!


Un commentaire à “Super Mario Bros dans Half Life”

  1. Manoranjan le 11 décembre 2012 à 2:23

    The essence of the games pcodured by Nintendo is simplicity, innovation and fun. I agree with the post of David Essence indeed, the fewer things players need to know, the easier they can play and enjoy the game. I played the Super Mario Bros 2 enhanced version on GBA, and I almost spent 60 hours on it. The “amazing throwing” appealed me so much. There are many different things can use to throw and players can find various ways to get and throw them like the boss fight. These features can be simply caught in this commercial and I think it is very successful. In that time, a large number of games were all about shooting and defeat the enemies. Compared with this, a new throwing gameplay loop Nintendo created is much more brilliant. Thus the game with simple throwing, creative throwing and interesting throwing should succeed in that time.By the way, I played another game called Chip n Dale- Rescue Rangers released by Capcom in 90s. This game is also focused on throwing the boxes and defeating the enemies. I think it was also successful in that time.

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